Wednesday, 16 May 2012

WEEK TWELVE: Groups Sue Over Seismic Tests In Beluga Habitat

In Alaska, a lawsuit is being filed against the National Marine Fisheries Service for issuing permits that allow high-intensity seismic testing around an endangered beluga whales’ habitat. The earsplitting underwater noise threatens the survival of these creatures by making it impossible for them to locate any food via sonic radar. There are only 284 left in the world, and things such as oil and gas drilling only add to the chaos. The judge should find favour with the plaintiff, since the NMFS had no right to further endanger these beautiful belugas.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

WEEK ELEVEN: Not The Change Polar Bears Need: President Obama's Polar Bear Extinction Plan

In 2008, the Bush administration created a law that prevents any greenhouse gas reduction, despite the fact that the emissions are what are causing the polar ice caps to melt and the polar bears to go endangered. The law was, however, deemed illegal by the Fish and Wildlife Service.
The Obama administration recently announced that they plan to re-issue this law. If this law is passed, polar bears will be extinct by 2050. Obama needs to reconsider the effects of this law, or drastic changes will occur!